Sometimes, the smallest moments in your life have the greatest impact. They soar straight into a place deep inside you, and resonate with the very core of your heart, sinking deep into your memory, to remind you later, that life and love can bring you magic you didn’t know existed. Angela Richardson
Some Similar Quotes
  1. This work was strictly voluntary, but any animal who absented himself from it would have his rations reduced by half. - George Orwell

  2. I am a strong believer in the tyranny, the dictatorship, the absolute authority of the writer. - Philip Pullman

  3. War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things: the decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth a war, is much worse. When a people are used as mere human instruments for firing cannon or... - John Stuart Mill

  4. Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of production and trade... - Ayn Rand

  5. Society can and does execute its own mandates: and if it issues wrong mandates instead of right, or any mandates at all in things with it ought not to meddle, it practices a social tyranny more formidable than many kinds of political oppression, since, though... - John Stuart Mill

More Quotes By Angela Richardson
  1. The fact that we can never have complete, perfect knowledge does not absolve us of the moral duty to judge and to take a stand against evil.

  2. We are not defined by our individual loneliness, but by the web of relationships in which we’re enmeshed.

  3. The Allatians believe that they have a writing system superior to all others. Unlike books written in alphabets, syllabaries, or logograms, an Allatian book captures not only words, but also the writer’s tone, voice, inflection, emphasis, intonation, rhythm. It is simultaneously a score and a...

  4. Do you see how much power you have when you act without fear?

  5. Taking away men's weapons will be not bring peace. They'll fight with sticks and stones, and tooth and nail. Mapidéré's is a peace supported only by fear, as secure as a nest built on a rotten branch.

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